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Korea & Global Issues

California state government sues 'Activision Blizzard' for sexual harassment and discrimination

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing has filed a lawsuit against Activision Blizzard. The reason is discrimination against female employees and continuous sexual harassment.



This lawsuit was filed on July 20th (local time). The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing has conducted an Activision Blizzard investigation for the past two years and found that women were more disadvantaged than men in terms of pay, job assignments, promotions, and dismissals, and that management took no action. He also reported that sexual harassment and sexual harassment occurred frequently within the company.



According to a complaint filed with the Los Angeles High Court, male Activision Blizzard employees played games during their working hours, handed over work to female employees, and publicly shared obscene rumors and jokes about rape. There have even been cases of inappropriate behavior toward female employees while walking around the office while drunk.


In addition to this, they were subjected to various unequal treatment, such as being accused of picking up their children from daycare centers and being kicked out of the nursing room by a male employee who said they needed a meeting room. A female employee working on the World of Warcraft development team has reportedly been subjected to sexually degrading remarks as well as physical assault.



There was also mention of a female employee who made the extreme choice when she went on a business trip with her male boss. The employee was found to have been severely sexually harassed, including the distribution of nude photos at a company party.



Activision Blizzard immediately responded to the lawsuit. A spokesperson for Activision Blizzard said, "The allegations made by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing distort Blizzard's past and are mostly false. They tried not to inform the company of the problems they detected.”



He also called the lawsuit "incomprehensible behavior by irresponsible state officials" and said, "We are committed to fostering a workplace that respects diversity and is inclusive for all."